
Half the key to his escape beckons from cold solitude, the other half from hottest battle…

Coehlin, a merchant-mage and sometime scholar, pursues the ordinary goal of recovering his fortune after the wars—with snatches of arcane reading on the side.

All that changes when he follows his curiosity to a haunted circle of ground. Wielding philosophy and magic where he shouldn’t, Coehlin metamorphoses into a monster trapped in a cursed maze.

As he labors to walk on a pair of bull’s legs and see through bull’s eyes, the maze lures others into its deepening evil. Coehlin must not only devise his own escape, but fight to protect these innocent wayfarers from death.

And when the troll-watch musters to slay the monster in the maze, Coehlin must reach beyond his daily survival. Unless he learns to embrace the serenity hidden beneath his frantic striving and restless scholarship, he and his newest charge will perish in the coming assault.

To Haunt the Daring Place is a story of my troll-infested North-lands. If you enjoy engaging characters, inventive plots, and intricate world-building, then you’ll love this twist on a classic myth.

Read To Haunt the Daring Place to win living freedom from dead knowledge today!

To Haunt the Daring Place is available as an ebook:
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